Cenacle Upcoming Events

On November 27,1830, the Blessed Mother appeared to St. Catherine Laboure, a Daughter of St. Vincent de Paul. Mary asked Catherine to have a medal made according to her specific design. It would show Mary standing on the globe with a snake under her feet & rays extending from rings on her fingers to represent the graces given to us from her Son. She also asked for the words “O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.” On the back there would be a cross that was interlocked with an “M.” There would be the sorrowful hearts of Jesus & Mary at the base, indicating their communion with our suffering. Twelve stars were also included to remind us of the followers of God- 12 tribes of Israel & 12 apostles. The medal spread throughout the world. So many marvels & good things happened that people began calling it the Miraculous Medal. The Miraculous Medal is the instrument of Our Lady’s constant love toward sinners and her role in the plan of salvation, especially universal mediation.  Pray to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal and be prepared to receive blessings and perhaps even your own miracle!



Tired of reading about news that makes you cringe? Ever wonder why someone else knows so much about our faith, sacraments, ethics, etc. than you thought you did? Did you see someone walking out of church with a book, or several, tucked under their arms?

Well, wonder no more as Queenship presents a re-opening of a well-stocked library aptly dubbed “Mary’s Book Nook.” Please allow yourself the opportunity to become acquainted with a myriad of authors and books steeped in faith-filled wisdom! Books of many titles, and rows of DVDs will chase any doubt that Mary’s Book Nook is a world of endless learning possibilities.

There is no sign out! Feel free to keep a book that particularly touches your heart or would like to use for future reference in your home. Returned books may be placed on the glass table or in the basket under the table. The library is always open, but most access will be conveniently available before or after any mass.

We need to educate ourselves, our children, but mostly, our souls! Happy reading and welcome to Mary’s Book Nook!