
Choir Rehearsal will be on Thursdays from 6:30 – 8:00PM. 
New this year will be an additional day and time on Tuesday evenings from 7:00 – 8:00PM.  The purpose of this practice is an invitation to the congregation and also friends of the Congregation of Queenship of Mary who may be considering joining the Choir. If you have been considering singing with the choir please come to the Tuesday evening “Workshop” This will be a period of learning to match pitch, Proper singing technique and learning the basics of reading music and a few basics of Harmony and Theory. Over the past few years, we have lost members due to the “Upheaval” of Covid, Age (climbing two flights of stairs to reach the choir loft) and sooner or later death catches up to all of us. We are a fun-loving group and we share quite a few laughs during practice! We are also family. We are concerned for all our members. We have grieved together over the death of a current or former choir member. We rejoice over the birth of Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren. We get together at Christmas for a party and during August for a picnic.

Come and join us!  We are FAMILY! We may not be related genetically but we are all related by our Faith. Come! Laugh!  Sing! AND! Be part of the FAMILY.
Harold Redline, Director of Music