
Just exactly what is the Cenacle and why do we have one here at Queenship of Mary Parish?  We’re very glad you asked!

Our cenacle is a small, intimate group inviting men, women, and teens to join a gathering every other Friday evening in the American Saints Room. Our mission is to spread the words of Jesus and His Divine Mercy as He spoke them to St. Maria Faustina especially through corporal and spiritual works of mercy.  After reciting the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy in church, we continue our gathering by following up on planned projects, charitable donations, and evangelizing opportunities, to name a few. 

Our cenacle has studied the “Diary of Maria Faustina”, “52 Weeks with St Faustina” and other sources which may be followed up with DVD presentations.  We do have fun, too, with trivia contests, bingo, and movies during our gatherings.  Educational topics on our faith and saints are discussed and studied using various resources. 

We visit the Renaissance facility and Sacred Heart by the Creek during the holidays.  Our group gains so much by sharing with these residents not only with fun pastimes and caroling, but also by  showing them the Divine Mercy movie, always accompanied by popcorn of course.  

Our mission has also evolved into the group becoming prayer warriors! Through group texting, requests from members and families are taken to heart and prayed upon by each member.  Our cenacle, meant to be small, has become an avenue of friendship, spirituality and offers compassion and solace when a member just needs to have someone listen. We are here for each other; mostly, we are here to spread the greatest of all messages…to Trust in Jesus’ Divine Mercy!