Respect Life Group

Meetings: 3rd Monday of each month @ 7 pm in the All-Saints Room (Queenship Social Hall).  For more information, email

                                                                   (MEETINGS ARE NOT BE HELD DURING JUNE, JULY, & AUGUST)

Current Projects in Progress:

-          Collections for maternity homes and pregnancy centers

-          Diaper & wipes in our parish bathrooms for kids in diapers

-          Diocesan Miscarriage resources

-          Welcome Kit for new babies and new parents in our parish


-          Miscarriage Kit:

-          Healing after miscarriage: &

-          Talk to Fr. Lamb or Deacon Mike and Reichel Funeral Home about the burial of your baby.

-          Breaking down myths: Women can and should be treated during a miscarriage once the baby has passed. D&Cs and D&Es done in the case of miscarriage can be performed on Catholics. Anyone who says otherwise is misleading families.


Local Pregnancy Support Resources:

Healing After Abortion:

For Natural Family Planning Support:

Catholic Bioethics Center Consultations: