OCIA—The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults

Do you know someone who may be interested in becoming Catholic?  OCIA is a faith journey of Catechesis and Spirituality.
Do any of the following situations pertain to you?
- Do you have any non-baptized adults in your family or among your friends?
- Are there any Catholics in your family who have never received their First Communion and Confirmation?
- Are there any inactive, hurt, disillusioned, or fallen away Catholics among your family or friends who have recently expressed any desire or hope of returning to the Catholic Church?
- Would you like to invite anyone who is “Un-Churched” (but not a member of any church) to join Queenship of Mary Parish and possibly become Catholic?

If you have said “YES” to any of the above questions… Come with your family and friends and discover for yourselves.
OCIA classes will start at the end of September, they are held on Tuesday evenings at 7PM at the Spiritual Center.
To register for OCIA or if you have any questions please call the rectory at 610-262-2227 and talk with Deacon Mike or Father Lamb.